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A person's (only arm visible) is seen at a table revewing graphs and a report


Problem background

The client had a wealth of multi-modal historic process data, recorded in various media, which they wished analysed to assess potential correlation to process yield.  The objective of this was to inform future production strategy and raw material usage.

How the problem was approached

The data were arranged in a common format using some custom processing tools developed for this piece of work and regression analyses were then undertaken to examine general data presentation and detect any overt dependence.   


Using the results of the statistical investigation, a process control document with limits was generated and supplied to the client.  A follow-on consultation was conducted for verification, validation and parameter tuning.

Key terms

  • Prediction

  • Signal conditioning and digitisation

  • Data modelling

  • Statistical analyses

  • Process optimisation and control

  • Data aggregation

  • Yield engineering

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